Gender Equality Plan

Diversity at KAIROS 

Diversity is our future 


Diversity is increasingly becoming an entrepreneurial success factor. This applies in particular to the fast-paced and innovation-oriented IT industry. In order to meet current demands and those of our customers, we rely on a variety of ideas, creativity, ingenuity and inventiveness. This requires a team with different focuses, cultures, nationalities, lifestyles, genders, and age groups. It is particularly important to us to reflect this diversity among our employees. This includes creating a working environment in which everyone can reach their full potential, and no one is disadvantaged because of their social position, group identity, or other socially determined circumstances. 


The topic of diversity has been firmly anchored in the corporate values at KAIROS for several years now. We see diversity as the engine of innovation in our organization. The active involvement of employees is particularly important to us.  With our corporate culture and management structure, we consciously design a safe working environment in which every person in the team can contribute according to their individual skills and receive the same development and career opportunities. Against this background, our employees are regularly trained. In this way, we ensure that these principles are known and actively lived as an integral part of our culture. 

In order to strengthen and cultivate diversity at KAIROS in the best possible way, we record the differences and similarities between people in our company in five dimensions: gender, age, culture and origin, religion and world view as well as sexual orientation: 

  • Gender: At KAIROS, tasks and responsibilities are distributed regardless of gender. In addition, all genders, whether transgender, male, female, or non-binary, have the same development opportunities and receive the same pay. 
  • Age: At KAIROS we value the inexhaustible pool of life experience. It provides security, serenity and a lot of knowledge from which younger employees can also benefit. 
  • Culture and origin: A professional and appreciative approach to the cultural background of the employees is an important success factor for KAIROS. This applies to the inner view, as well as in dealing with our customers. Knowing the languages and customs of other nations not only broadens one’s own horizons, but also opens up new sales potential. 
  • Religion and worldview: At KAIROS, mutual respect naturally also includes religion and worldview. No matter what religion, we take into account the respective rituals. 
  • Sexual orientation: KAIROS is committed to an open working environment without prejudice. We promote an open and trusting corporate culture that is committed to ensuring that no one must justify their own sexual identity or orientation. 

In order to ensure the maintenance of these principles and to subject them to continuous optimization processes, they are part of a regular data collection covering all areas of KAIROS‘ activities, as well as subsequent reporting and analysis based on the defined indicators. 

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